Dem-Owned Russian Bot Company Tied to Fusion GPS, Steele Dossier

The webs weaved on the left side of the aisle are both fascinating and frightening…and maybe even treasonous.

steele dossier

As we continue to investigate the “false flag” Russian bot attack from the 2016 Alabama Senate Race, there are serious concerns about the involvement of several democratic organizations.

What we know so far is that a pair of organizations on the left side of the aisle conspired to interfere in the Alabama Senate race of 2016 using phony “Russian bots” that they themselves created.

By creating the faux- menace, these organizations were then able to attack conservative news and opinion outlets, stating that they had been unfairly promoted by these “bots” on Twitter and elsewhere.

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It was an egregious and inexcusable tactic whose penance has yet to be paid.

Now, as we dig deeper, we are finding that this was no isolated incident, and there are major players involved just out of sight.

A nonprofit group linked to Fusion GPS and partially funded by George Soros worked in recent months with a technology company implicated in a scheme to use fake Russian bots during Alabama’s special Senate election.

The groups, the Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) and New Knowledge, partnered before the 2018 midterms to track alleged Russian disinformation networks, a website the organizations collaboratively run shows.

Both organizations have links to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), which is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election, as well as possible Trump campaign collusion.

The strangeness doesn’t end there.

TDIP is also linked to the Senate Intelligence panel. Its founder, Daniel J. Jones, was previously a staffer for Democrats on SSCI. He was also in contact in early 2017 with Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the Democratic vice chairman of SSCI. As part of TDIP’s own Trump-Russia investigation, the group hired Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, the author of the anti-Trump dossier.

With these revelations arriving at such a turbulent time in our nation’s political discourse, one is forced to wonder if the unearthing of such disparaging material could be the tipping point for We The People.